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Flipside Comics

Featured Artist – Bill Sienkiewicz

By the way, that’s pronounced ‘sinKEVitch’.

Just so you know.

Bill is an American artist known for his work in comic books—particularly for Marvel Comics’ New MutantsMoon Knight, and Elektra: Assassin. He is the co-creator of the character David Haller / Legion,the basis for the FX television series Legion.

Sienkiewicz’s work in the 1980s was considered revolutionary in mainstream US comics due to his highly stylized art that verged on abstraction and made use of oil painting, photorealism, collage, mimeograph, and other forms generally uncommon in comic books.

‘Revolutionary’ doesn’t really describe how we felt about Bill when he burst onto the scene. ‘Mind-blowing’ was more like it. ‘Astounding!’  What the heck were we looking at? It was amazing and had never-before been seen in comics. Let alone mainstream comics. 

I first discovered his work in the pages of New Mutants.  His status in comics was cemented for making a name for himself in the pages of Moon Knight (a character I didn’t care for at the time). Bu the had moved over to the X office and began working on The New Mutants with Chris Claremont. And he blew the hinges off it.  It was a gloriously beautiful take on a coming of age group of teens that were going through the rigors of adolescents as well as having emerging powers as mutants. Well, insanity ensues and the characters have to step up heroically. (These are superhero comics).  Bill’s art on it was enigmatic, surreal, and astonishing.

From there, Bill stepped up to do the art chores on 2 Frank Miller-written projects.  The first one I saw was Elektra: Assassin and it was life-changing. Bill had stepped up to the plate again and hit a home-run. He also did the Daredevil: Love and War graphic novel , but I didn’t read that until later. Elektra: Assassin was a MASSIVE, BOLD swing for the fences as far as what the audience was willing to take on as ‘Comic book art’. And boy did we love it. To this day, the first issues cover is my favorite cover of all time. It should be pictured below.

From there, as we say, Bill just blew up. He went on to do numerous covers, another graphic novel with Alan Moore called Brought to Light, his own graphic novel called Stray Toasters….the list is long. He is a world renowned cover artist, concept designer, poster artist, inker, AND writer. In my humble opinion, he is the definition of an ARTIST.

And to top it off, after meeting him numerous times at conventions, he is also, one of the sweetest and nicest guys in comics. 

Bill can be found here online and at Instagram @sienkiewiczArt

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