Flipside Comics

Book Addict – Long John Silver

I used to have my own Patreon, and on there I would run a short column I called Book Addict. Because, let’s face it, I have a lot of books in my house. They come and go as they get cycled out quite a bit, but I really love quality books.
So, the first one I’ll do here is a new-ish one to the collection and it’s beautiful.

What we’re here to talk about is the newest collection from Niffle Collections,  Long John Silver.

Niffle Collections collect only the finest of the Black and White comics that come out over in Europe. The other one I have is the Undertaker by Ralph Meyer, which we’ll get too.

This is Long John Silver, written by Xavier Dorison and drawn by one of my favorites, Mathieu Lauffray. 

Xavier Dorison is a powerhouse of a writer and probably my favorite European writer at the moment, so don’t worry, I’ll get to him.

Story summary;

‘Twenty years after the events of the Hispaniola, in the classic Robert Louis Stephenson novel, Treasure Island, Lady Vivian Hastings knocks on Dr Livesey’s door. Her hated husband has sent word from the Amazon: He has found the fabled city of Guyana Capac, and his brother is to sell the entire domain to pay for an expedition, dispossessing Vivian in the process. But the lady intends to get her share and has come to seek the one man who can help her gain control of the ship: Long John Silver.’

This is a collection of all 4 volumes in 1 beautiful B&W package. Dust jacket as well and a color print of LJS himself is inserted into the beginning of the book. Lauffray’s lush evocative brush-work is the lure here. It’s really astounding what he can pull off in simple black & white. It’s something that I am still working at myself but Mr. Lauffray pulls it off with an extraordinary skill. His storytelling is precise and his story pacing is impeccable and his characters just burst to life immediately off the pages. But for me, it’s the textures that are the real winner here. In just B&W you can really feel the heat and grime of everything in this world. The smoke, looks like smoke, the rain feels overwhelming and the sea is even more dangerous than JLS himself.

Mathieu is working on a new series called Raven, about a rogueish pirate and it’s wonderful as well. Here’s a taste of that.


Below you’ll find links to all 4 volumes of Mathieu’s Long John Silver series in color and English. Check him out you won’t regret it.





Start readin’ sucka!!!