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Coming Soon: Sam & His Talking Gun - A Flipside Original
Coming Soon: Freak - A Flipside Original
即将推出:迷幻反应--Flipside 原创作品
Comics by the masters before they were master: Classic comics:
华莱士-艾伦-伍德(Wallace Allan Wood,1927 年 6 月 17 日-1981 年 11 月 2 日)是美国漫画作家、艺术家和独立出版商,因在 EC 漫画公司的《怪异科学》、《怪异幻想》和《MAD Magazine》(从 1952 年创刊到 1964 年)以及《T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents》(T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents)上的作品而广为人知,还为沃伦出版公司的《Creepy》工作过。他为惊奇公司的《敢死队》绘制了几期早期刊物,并确立了该漫画人物独特的...... 了解更多关于沃利的信息

Featured Artist(Writer) – Bill Finger
3 月 12, 2025
This one…is gonna cause a stir. Maybe. You all know who Bob Kane is right? Credited with creating Batman. Ring a bell? Yeah , well screw that guy. I’d be more terse but there might be kids reading and I wanna set the story straight. Bob Kane drew a guy with a cape. Bill Finger added everything else to make him Batman. To include his rogues gallery and supporting characters and story. Bob